January 18, 2005

Election Day Polls

I have made a decision... tuesday is new poll day. My 2008 presidential race is a personal fave, and is going to stay up indefinately, but a new poll will be added each week to the mix. I'll always have a total of 2-3 running at once. If the previous weeks was popular, it will make it to week three. If it sucked... it will get killed and the results will get announced the following Tuesday.

My polls work like real elections. People can vote more than once, although it is not encouraged. If someone demands a recount, I will fix the ballot box so the candidate of my choice wins. I like to give the proper example of how a democracy really works, so that everyone understands the true meaning of it.

Back to the polls. This weeks second poll is "What do you find more offensive" and the list is "Janets Boob," "Mickey Rooney's ass," "the FCC," or "Howard Stern." If you want to vote on that one, and the presidential election of 2008 is up, or vice versa, hit the refresh button on your browser until the other poll shows up. Its completely random as to which is going to be there.

Current Election Results...
  1. 44% Homer Simpson with the Bee
  2. 28% Dave Chappelle as RICK JAMES BITCH!!!
  3. 22% Michael Moore with extra cheese
  4. 6% Bill O'Reilly with a falafel


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