July 27, 2005

Sasquatch Is Alive?

Residents of a Yukon town in Canada have spotted Sasquatch, BKA Bigfoot taking a leisurely stroll through town. Besides leaving footprints, our buddy Sasquatch left a hairball behind too.

Since this physical evidence was left behind, scientists at the University of Alberta are performing DNA tests on it, to determine if it is from a known animal, such as a bison or moose.

Through my research, I am under the firm impression that the hairball fell out of the fro of the long lost leader of the Hair Bear Bunch. The group has not been seen since the 1970's era explosion of poor, look and sound alike cartoons of Hanna Barbara.

As depicted in the picture, he is the cross between Yogi Bear, Fred from Scooby Doo, and a Harlem Globetrotter. Even if he brought you joy as a child watching the crazy antics of the Hair Bears, do not approach him. The years of running feral have probably left him wild and menacing like a normal bear. By now, his once well maintained fro may have become dreds. So sad when the famous fall...


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