December 21, 2005

Elitist: A Definition

If any of you get involved in political discussions, I'm sure you've had this special little word thrown out somewhere along the line: elitist.

Elitist: n : someone who believes in rule by an elite group.

Now, as a basis of political discussion, which group sounds as if it were elitist:
  1. Lowered taxes for the wealthiest. Less spending on social programs and healthcare. Higher spending on national defense. Unlimited spying, without any reason, on individuals so the governernment can protect the whole. More powers to the president, less to congress and the courts. Pro-death penalty. Pro-life. Pro-torture on anyone suspected of being an enemy of the state. Ignoring the international communities opinion.
  2. Higher taxation on the wealthiest. Increased spending on social programs and healthcare. Spying approved through courts. System of checks and balances through congress and courts. Against death penalty. Pro-choice. Against torture of any human. Trying to work with the international community.
I know I probably missed some talking points. That's just what I could come up with off the top of my head.


Blogger -L said...

Love it, Michael...Way to frame politics in its simplest form!

Fri Dec 23, 11:15:00 AM CST  

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