August 02, 2006

Star Wars vs. Star Trek Answers...

(these are the answers from this post)

Chewbacca vs. Worf

This is a tough one. Worf is a warrior. He's trained in fighting hand to hand, with weapons... just overall baddass. He's also Klingon, which makes him bigger, stronger, and faster than a human. However... Chewie is a fucking wookie. I give the slight edge to Worf. Simply because this is like putting a grizzley bear (chewbacca) vs. Chuck Norris. Yeah, you wanna say the grizzley would win due to size and power... but we all know Chuck is invincible.

Han Solo vs. Kirk
This one is easy. If it was hand to hand, kirk might pull this one out. It would never get that far though. Know why? Han would shoot first.

Luke in the beginning of Episode IV vs. Ensign Wesley Crusher (pre traveler Wesley)
This would be the fight of the crybabies. Luke whining about going to Toshi station to pick up some power converters, and Wesley wanting to do some dumb ass experiment. Luke would eventually win out, after several hours of slapping and hair pulling.

Leia vs. Jadzia Dax
Dax. Hands down. Leia may be tough, but Dax would bust out some Klingon moves and gut Leia. No excitement here.

Yoda vs. Q
Yoda is the master of the force... The little green guy is a major badass. But how can you beat an entity as powerful as Q? You can't. Q wins.

Boba Fett vs. Odo
The greatest bounty hunter ever vs. someone who can change shapes. This would be one hell of a fight, but Boba would be more likely to resort to lethal force... so I give the edge to him.

C-3PO and R2D2 vs. Data
Two on one? No contest. Data would wipe them both out in a second. Had to check to see if anyone was being honest somehow.

The Millennium Falcon vs. the Defiant
Defiant. Has better armor and weapons. Besides, the Falcon is a freighter, and the defiant is a warship. I knew it was one sided... had to test knowledge and the impartiality again.

10 Stormtroopers vs. 10 Red Shirt Guys
This would be tough, but not tough. Both were killed off like worthless turds. The stormtroopers at least had a reputation, which had to be earned somewhere... so I give the edge, 5 storm troopers alive to a bunch of dead guys in red shirts.

10 Clonetroopers vs. 10 Jem'Hadar
Now this is a battle. Both are badasses. Both kill, and do it well. I give the edge to the Jem'Hadar since they can cloak. 1 Jem'Hadar warrior standing, everyone else dead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'd have to agree with you on all these points. Nice to see some Deep Space Nine getting in there too.b

Thu Aug 02, 03:18:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Michael said...

DS9 was my favorite trek show, so if anything I get carried away with using its characters. I did watch TNG, and everyone knows TOS, so those were easy. Nothing from Voyager or Enterprise though, since both shows were crap.

Thu Aug 02, 03:25:00 PM CDT  

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