January 25, 2005

New Poll, Fresh Results, and a kill.

I have a new poll for this week, that I will not tell you about in this post. You will have to look at it, or hit refresh to see it. Me saying it would ruin the surprise. (snickers)

I'm going to kill the "most offensive" poll. It was still getting an occasional vote, but had slowed down a lot. I have a feeling it is the prime example of a good one week poll. Thanks to everyone who participated. The results of that poll are.
  1. The FCC 45%
  2. Howard Stern 27%
  3. Mickey Rooney's Butt 18%
  4. Janet Jackson's Boob 9%

The 2008 Election is of course running indefinately, because I just love it to a point of it being unhealthy. Besides, it has pictures and something about Dave Chappelle as RICK JAMES BITCH!!! gets me more hits, and people just clicking past vote on that one, a lot. Pictures get you hits. Here are current results.

  1. Homer Simpson with The Bee 36%
  2. Dave Chappelle as RICK JAMES BITCH!!! 32%
  3. Michael Moore with extra cheese 21%
  4. Bill O'Reilly with a falafel 11%


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