February 07, 2005

Polls a Day Early

Since I did the poll on the Super Bowl, it would be kind of stupid to leave it up till Tuesday. So, I bring you the results, and the new poll, a day early. The results of the Super Bowl poll:
  1. 56% Ditka, he may not be playing, but it is who I WANT to win.
  2. 33% Eagles, they have chunky soup on their side.
  3. 11% Patriots, Brady can't be stopped.

Presidential is relatively unchanged.

  • 33% Dave Chappelle as RICK JAMES BITCH!!!
  • 33% Homer Simpson with the Bee as his V.P.
  • 23% Michael Moore, with extra cheese
  • 10% Bill O'Reilly with a falafel

New poll is politically motivated, and inspired by my friends over at the Democratic Goddesses of America. This is all theoretical. The Republicans hate taxes, but also hate things like, oh, sex since it is immoral. At least sex where you would need a condom. They also hate the music and movie industry, since it is filled with liberals. What do you think they would do? Tax condoms more, music and movies, or just keep the deficit going higher? That is this weeks poll, which will run to the normal tuesday.

Just a repeat of accessing polls. Hit refresh and it will eventually bring up either the tax poll or the 2008 election poll. All old polls are removed. I had someone hit refresh about 50 times last week, and I am thinking they were trying to bring up a dead poll. After a poll is killed.... its dead. Killed means dead. Dead means gone. Gone means not here anymore. I might resurrect some when I get a bigger audience one day. Until then though... dead.


Blogger Jenni said...

I'll be interested to see how it turns out. I'm polling vicariously through you now, you know :)

Tue Feb 08, 02:41:00 PM CST  
Blogger Michael said...

I have no problem getting ideas from others and running off with them for polls, posts, and such. I'm thankful when I get a good idea like that one. Just had to make it a little more cynically twisted into my own words, and add a third choice. Three choices is preferred in my odd little world.

Tue Feb 08, 03:42:00 PM CST  

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