February 11, 2005

And the Trogdor Comes In the Night

Today, is another monumentous day in video/cartoons. I will do the minor updates first, then I shall do the story behind the major update.

Pedro Sanchez Soundboard - First was Napoleon, now Pedro. My favorite is the "He's nipple number five."

Inner Demons - Foamy and his squirrelly freinds kidnap Germaine and try to make her not depressed...

Death Becomes Them - X-men spoof. Bad animation, and cheesy voices. For some reason, I thought it was hysterical.

Big Bunny 1
- This is a twisted cartoon series, that is my version of Easter. Just because, it has a big pink bunny. I'll have an episode of it linked every week until then. There are only seven episodes. I laughed like mad when I first saw them last year.

Trogdor - His History

Now, the major update. Not many of you know who Trogdor is, so I have to share. It is something from Homestarrunner. They did an update that involves that particular character. Without knowing the history, it isn't as funny. Plus, the history is actually funnier than the most recent update. So, here it all is, in chronological order.

Strongbad E-Mail - Everything starts off as a strongbad e-mail, doesn't it? This one goes way back too. Before the laptop. Before compy 486. Compy 386. Was a simpler time. Note: It is possible to download the song at the end of the e-mail. Bottom of the screen... downloads....

Peasants Quest - Preview for the greatest video game EVER!!! They actually made the game too. You can play it. Its too damn hard. I got killed by a Kerrek.

Peasants Quest - The MOVIE (Big 10 megs) (small 2.5 megs) - They made a cheesy movie. Its like, Lord of the Rings meets Final Fantasy but worse than Masters of the Universe.


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