May 27, 2007

Will It Ever Stop?

May 22, 2007

Peer Pressure vs. Thrust Squad

The battle that may determine the fate of mankind!!!

First, Peer Pressure...

And, their opponants... Thrust Squad...

So... Who do you think is better?

May 21, 2007

Mt. Everest Mobile

Some dude became the first person ever to make a call with a cell phone on top of Mt. Everest. He also made the first text message.

Big F'n deal.

What's next, the first "hot carl" on top of Everest? The first sodomization of a sheep? I don't care about stupid firsts on the peak of everest. There's tons of shit that has never been done, so don't publicize each and every one.

The entire thing though, was made possible, by China putting up a cell phone tower that was within line of site of the north slope.

Now this is what really pisses me off.

How come the peak of Mt. Everest, which has a population density of 1 asshole who is the first person to masturbate to Bea Arthur on top of mount everest, gets more cell phone reception than, oh, ME!!!

I don't live in a shante on the arctic tundra or in the rainforest. I live in a semi-densely populated area, an hours drive from one of the largest cities in the most powerful country in the world, and can't talk on the cell for more than 3 minutes without the call being dropped.

How about we put some of that Chinese cell tower construction in my back yard, so I can make a call? Not that I would, since I hate phones and all... but just in case I actually wanted to.

May 16, 2007

Vista Sales Good?

Windows Vista sales figures have been above projections.

All I can say to that is best of luck suckers.

New operating systems are the work of the devil. You don't touch them unless you are forced to. They are loaded with holes, break downs, and other problems. Wait a minimum of one year, or preferably, until the first service pack comes out. It will save you a TON of headaches.

I'll continue to run along with my well tested and stable, Windows XP until then. That and my dual boot laptop with XP and Linux.

May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell Passes Away

One of the top leaders of the Evangelical movement in the US, Jerry Falwell died this morning.

While I disagreed with about 99% of his views, I must commend him. He was honest, spoke his mind, and fought for what he believed in. For that he deserves my respect.

Spring 07 Completed, on to Summer 07

My Spring 2007 classes are now complete.

Of course, without even a week off, my Summer 07 courses have begun.

Summer should be a much less involved schooling experience, unlike the last few weeks of this semester. Now I fully understand the entire ten page paper and project complaints from friends who have had degrees for years.

This summer should allow me to blog more, as I've missed this little creative output of mine. I can't begin to describe how much I like making fun of things.

Hopefully this is the post that marks the full return of me... at least for the summer.

May 03, 2007

The Goat Wife Update

A while back, I had posted on a man who had been forced to marry a goat after being caught having sex with it. (In cases like this I absolutely LOVE Islamic law).

Well, the goat has since had a kidd (of the goat variety, not the human.)

Also, in sadder news, the goat-wife has recently passed, after choking to death on a plastic bag.

I'm surprised the guy didn't have her killed for cheating on him... then again, what would it look like that your wife, who happened to be a goat, had to seek a goat for lovin that you as a man couldn't provide.

That would be a bit of a blow to the ego methinks.

May 02, 2007

Whale Poopies

Apparently, some perfumes are made from whale excretions.

The beaks of squid lodge themselves in the digestive systems of sperm whales, forcing them to produce a waxy substance in defence. Sometimes these get large and are excreted. They float on the ocean, drying out from the sun and salt. The substance is used in perfumes, and some hunks of it have sold for $18,000.

So, if someone says you smell like whale shit... you should take it as a compliment.

One example of a perfume that smells like a giant whale turd: Chanel No. 5.