I make a lot of pointless points on this blog. Mostly wild accusations that Keith Richards is a zombie, dubs eats kittens, Saddam Hussein would make a great (pet, US President, drinking buddy) etc.
But no, yesterday I received an even higher honor.
My blog on Intelligent Design (which immediately follows this one) was linked to on some
serious Evolution blog. Albeit in the comments, but still linked. Which, has added up to hundreds of hits.
What cracks me up, is that this blog is humor based on reality 75% of the time and the video on ID comes from Skoopy.com, which has funny videos, and links to such websites as "Ass Parade," "Big Tits and Round Asses," "College Teen Book Bang," amongst other such well known, internet porn websites.
Its true. Everything on the net is three clicks away from porn. Intelligent discussion you'd have your children read, gets linked to me, which shows a funny video, which is on a website that is funded and linked from by the internet porn industry.
I'm happy I have my place in the pecking order. Its a priveledge.