As the tag to tag interview goes, here is the history I know.
SwissToni interviewd
Jenni, and now Jenni is interviewing me. This is by my choice of course. Its a simple set of rules, which will be shared after my interview.
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1. If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone alive, who would it be?
Now, me being a 99% perverted male, can only take this one way, and that would involve cueing porn music at end of the evening... no wait. In the middle, 3/4 mark, and the end. Yeah, first half good conversation... to satisfy my intellectual needs. (you know, that 1%).
Now the woman, without a doubt in my mind, would be Angelina Jolie. In her, there is everything an individual like myself is looking for: compassionate, intelligent, sexy as hell, and a wee bit off the wall.
2. If you could magically stop aging at any point in your life, at what age would you want to stop?
I'm already past that point. I'd love to be 23 again. At 23, I was at the peak of partying, not worried about the future, but able to really enjoy myself and live. I had money to do what I wanted, a huge group of friends that went out all the time. None of us were married. It was just a lot of good times. It was a much more care free time for me back then. Now, I'm growing up (not grown yet, saving that for a day in my 50's). Life is meant to be enjoyed, too bad you have to work to get to enjoy it.
3. If you could star in any genre of movie with any current actor/actress, what and who would you choose?
The movie would have to be Sci Fi. I'd choose fantasy, but the thought of my pasty pale self in a loincloth is a sight I wouldn't want to put anyone through. As far as my supporting cast, I'd like to star opposite of Christopher Walken. I'd be the heroic guy, and Walken would be the ultimate villain. Be even better if it was something like... Star Wars: Episode 7. I'd the the heroic Jedi, mentored by none other than Luke Skywalker, while Christopher Walken is a fallen Jedi, turned to the dark side by the spirit of Palpatine.
4. If you could force Dubya to switch roles with another member of his administration, who would you choose to act as President while Dubs did their role?
*Sigh* This is when I wish Colin Powell was still in the administration. So, on that note, I'd choose YOU Condoleeza. I'd love to see dubs play Secretary of State, and have to just deal with foreign nations. Besides, even though I do have my twisted fascination with "Big" Dick Cheney, I really would NOT want him as President. Condoleeza on the other hand, seems to me to be the least of the evils in his administration. I really don't have qualms with her, and I was impressed with her during the 9-11 investigation. No way I'd choose old man Rummy, and I'm not a fan of Gonzo. The rest I don't know enough about. That is why Ms. Rice has my vote.
5. If you didn't have to worry about credits or grades, what class would you want to take just to learn the topic?
That one just has so many different options. At first I was going to think about going into some of my already fed interests, but from my experiance, I already know more than what a college course would give me on those. So, I would go to a topic I somehow managed to shun since I was in 3rd grade... Literature. I've never been an avid reader of fiction. I keep trying to pick it up, but always come up with an excuse somewhere. There are so many works that are classics, that some people think everyone has read, and I couldn't even give a slight basis on what the book was about. So some sort of literature class. Lots of reading, analysis, thought provoking discussion... Being an IS major, I play with computers, and my English/Humanities requirements are/were speech (an A) and two semesters of composition (two A's).
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Now, that was interesting, and fun.
Here's the scoop behind the interview process.
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions