September 29, 2005

House of Blues

I'm on Ticketmaster's spam list, thanks to ordering tickets online. I keep it going, because there are a few unknown artists I'm desperately trying to see (Todd Snider being my main search, but so far he only seems to play Memphis and Milwaukee).

Well, during my weekly spam, I found out that someone is playing the House of Blues.

This frightens me.

3 New Ones

Out with 3 old, in with 3 new songs.

I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier covered by Mad Season
Originally a John Lennon tune, covered by bunch of guys from various bands in Seattle back in 94 or 95. Layne Staley (RIP) from Alice In Chains on vocals, Mike McCready (Pearl Jam) on guitar, Barret Martin from the Screaming Trees on drums, this unknown Baker guy McCready met in Minneapolis on bass, and "Nalgas Sin Carne" on Sax.

Buckethead by Colonol Claypool's Bucket Of Bernie Brains
Les Claypool supergroup starring the Colonol himself, Buckethead on guitar, Bernie Worrell on keyboards, and Brains (think he was with Les in Primus for a few discs) on drums. Its yet another reincarnation of the rock/hippy/funk that only Les could possibly come up with. The man is a genius, the Frank Zappa of my generation.

Perfect Woman by Lollipop Lust Kill
I just picked up their CD, as I had been searching for it in a brick and mortar store for about 6 months, and finally gave up and bought it online from amazon. Excellent pick up I might add, if your into the whole, goth/metal scene.

Hope I manage to scare at least one of you.

September 28, 2005

Weight Loss by Tequilla?

Its been found in some research that the blue agave cactus may help people lose weight. The bad news is, that once its been distilled to tequilla it loses that effect. (Had to be too good to be true, didn't it?)

I don't think the writer of this article has ever gotton drunk on tequilla though. They state "Now a team of 20 Guadalajara scientists think the plant's powers may extend well beyond its well-known potential for euphoric alcoholic highs to helping us lose weight and lower our cholesterol."

Euphoric alcoholic highs my ASS!!! Tequilla is known for the three f's: fighting, fucking, and forgetting. There is no peace and euphoria to be found in tequilla (unless you count some sort of euphoria after violent sex that you will forget about.)

Moral Majority Leader Indicted by Grand Jury

Well, the leader of the house, Tom DeLay has been indicted by a grand jury with criminal conspiracy in his home state of Texas.

Of course Tommy thinks its all a witch hunt. He is temporarily stepping down from his spot in congress, to respond to the situation.

Sorry buddy, but witch hunts are based on things like BJ's and shoes. Things that aren't against the law (in most states), but everyone makes a big to do over. Shady campaign contributions, that's actually illegal, and merits investigation.

Creative Freedom of the Press

We've heard it before: the news is slanted, and not true. Well, for the first time in my life, I am able to verify it is not true. Simply because someone I know, who used to live in New Orleans, has a friend, who's boyfriend, was interviewed by none other than the BBC as he returned back to New Orleans. (yeah, I have it straight, do you?)

Well, since Katrina hit, I've been reading my friend's friend's journal. (Can't give that one away, because that one is linked to a link to a link to my personal journal.) So, here are the creative bits that were added to the article.

The article, in quotes, has him saying "They didn't know what they were doing. It was basically three days of queuing," Raymond said. "Three days with no privacy surrounded by the noise of everyone else there."

False. Not a real statement. We American's don't use the word queuing. We say standing in line. That was the first thing she said was wrong.

They also say he slept on the floor somewhere for a while. She said they didn't. At least two lies in one article. Way to go Verity Murphy.

Don't you just love journalistic integrity?

September 26, 2005

Santa's Terror Cell

The first terrorist attack of yet another war has begun.

Santa has begun sending reindeer out to attack innocent civilians.

Political analysts believe this is in response to years of exile on the north pole, and being forced into labor camps with elves, creating toys for the religious right's children. The centuries of abuse have finally built up, and Santa has resorted to terrorist tactics to try to return to civilization, and end being a victim to slave labor.

dubs is confused as to what to do, since he had considered Santa an ally, and had been sending him military and humanitarian aid. He is hoping the story of the reindeer mauling an elderly couple in Finland is false.

Dick "Dicksputin the Dark" Cheney thinks we should just nuke the north pole.

3 Million Americans

Are we talking about how close a national election is? Not necessarily. We are talking about the number of American citizens that claim to have been abducted by Aliens.

If you consider these people admit to being Alien sex toys, you must consider the possibility that not everyone is coming forward. Considering having an alien probe shoved in ya booty is some form of intergalactic rape, I'd put the coming forth and admitting it as being only about 50%. Probably less, since more would be willing to admit they were touched by big Chuck down the street, than the mooninites.

This leads me to surmise, that since most abductees claim such events happened in rural areas, along long stretches of country roads, that this reveals a much scarier thought... Aliens are reprogramming the minds of hillbillies to vote for people like dubs, so they can take over the world. The numbers are too close to the difference in national elections. It would explain the lack of logic behind the neo-con movement, and all of the "faith" in it. Its really just alien influence.

Aliens from a galaxy far, far away are taking over. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

September 25, 2005

Rally To Support War Draws...

If any of you keep on on the news besides through me, a few days ago there was a protest rally in DC against the war in Iraq. So, another group of our fellow Americans, decided to have a rally in support of the war. The numbers of people showing up varied slightly. Protest against the war was estimated at over 100,000 people. Rally in support of killing Iraqi's in the name of their freedom, 400. Give or take a couple people of course.

The organizers were hoping for a larger turnout.

While reading the article, I read quotes about what my breed, the commie liberal who opposes the war thinks. They are all wrong. So, once again, I shall repeat my beliefs.

I have the deepest and utmost respect for our soldiers. I would be honored to shake their hands, and applaud them as they come back from Iraq. They have and do a job I myself am incapable of doing. I wish them all success in their missions, and hope they can come home soon, victorious.

It isn't the soldiers we protest. We protest the decisions of our PRESIDENT and GOVERNMENT. We protest our fellow American's being hurt, maimed, and killed for oil. The war isn't about Iraqi freedom. The war was about WMD's, terrorism, and the threat Saddam Hussein represented. All that evidence supporting that was known to be bad going in, and has since proven to be completely false. No WMD's, no ties to terrorism, and Saddam posed a far less threat to us than many other nations (North Korea anyone? Afghanistan where Bin Laden is still hanging out?)

And don't give me the Iraqi's are better off now. The estimated death toll since our invasion of Iraq is over 100,000 people, most of them being innocent civilians. (Being dead doesn't sound like an improvement to me.) That bests Saddam's killings. The entire country is destablized, and its getting worse. That is what our brothers and sisters have shed their lives for. Vietnam Jr.

I haven't heard this one in a while, but don't use the anti-American thing on us either. By raising our voices in protest, we are enacting our freedom of speech, and our right to public assembly. That is being an American. Not doing what the ruler wants you to do.

*gets off his repeat offense soapbox*

September 24, 2005

Angry Liberals Are Funny

I discovered a website, that was rather amusing. It was created by an angry liberal. It's called...


So What If I'm Almost a Commie? *link fixed*

You are a

Social Liberal
(76% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(15% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid

September 23, 2005

So I Went a Wee Bit Nuts

After discovering CastPost, I decided a better thing than throwing out an odd song here or there on posts. I would take, and have ten songs running at all times in the sidebar. The music I am presently addicted to, and available for your listening pleasure/torment if you so choose to listen.

There will be no pattern to this at all. Random addings and deletions, but always a total of ten. New songs get added on top, and deletes can come from anywhere in the list. Makes sense to me.

Skeleton Song by Sevendust

In my weekly music on friday thing, one of the recurring names on the list is Sevendust. They are a metal band, that also happens to have an excellent melodic side, and does wonders with a slow song. They walk that line between metal (songs like black, bitch, too close to hate), and mainstream rock.

This song is one of my all time favorite songs, and its a mellow one, so no need to fear your comp speakers blowing up from it.

Powered by Castpost

Hope this works. Learned about this service from surfing my plethora of blogs, and found the link on Sad Old Goth's page. Thanks Gregor.

The Truth Behind Katrina

I think I have it all figured out now. The real truth behind hurricane Katrina.

Bush isn't fully to blame, although he is an accomplice. The real genius behind it all is a direct descendant of Rasputin... yes... Dick Cheney.

See, Dick came up with this plan a while back. He had dubs start the war with Iraq, so dubs would pull money away from the upgrading New Orleans levees. Dickputin the Dark created Hurricane Katrina with his black magic. Then, when the hurricane was coming, dubs didn't tell the Governor of Louisiana, and the Mayor of New Orleans to do a mandatory evacuation, even though it isn't dubs job to do so, till the day before.

With the weakened levee's and Dicksputin's powerful unnatural storm hitting New Orleans, the levee's broke, and the city flooded. Why would Dicksputin want this to happen? Simple, so Halliburton could get yet another no bid contract to rebuild the city. (What better way to show off a capitalist economy than to give all the government related work out to friends, through no-bid contracts.)

There was a lot of negative pressure on dubs, and his horribly appointed administration, that the damage done wasn't what Dicksputin had in mind, so he had to cause a distraction. Through his evil genius, Dicksputin sent off Condeleeza to go shoe shopping. The ploy worked, as everyone jumped off the blame dubs bandwagon and decided to start blaming her because she had the nerve to go shopping when she was off work!!!

Oh, heaven forbid someone who works a government job actually have and use free time to do something they enjoy. If there is anything going on in the world, they shouldn't do anything to get away, unwind, and relax. We want our politicians to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all know Michael Moore doesn't even sleep, bathe, or stop to buy deoderant during a crisis, (although he will buy Hot Dogs by the gross.)

And THAT my friends, is the real story behind Katrina.

Happy Blirfday

Today, September 23, this blog turns one year old.

What was originally planned as being a group blog, has turned out to be my most fun blog, and completely solo. Many of my early blogs were on coffee, so todays shall follow suit.

I bought a french press this week, and tried it out this morning, since I had some time (off work and school?!?!) They are absolutely amazing. I brewed a pot of mud, since I am particularly fond of really dark, black coffee. It doesn't even have a hint of bitterness to it. I'm still in shock and awe over how good this cup of coffee is.

In other words, today is going to be a happy day, even if Froyd tried to ruin it for me. (I know you're lying about Zombies being ficticious.)

Happy days, brought to you by not having school, not having to work, yummy guatamalan antigua coffee brewed in a french press, and insane 18 year old kitties who poke at your arm while you blog.

September 22, 2005

Gmail Invites

So, if I'm reading this correctly... I have a LOT of Gmail invites. So, if anyone wants one, hit me up at .... If I have as many as I think I have... I won't run out any time soon.

September 21, 2005

5 Digits

Ten thousand hits, and still counting...

September 20, 2005

Everyone is On Phil Collins Jock

First Nonpoint and "In the Air Tonight."
Now... Disturbed.
Yes, they covered "Land of Confusion" on the new disc. So far, its the only song I heard I can really jam to.

September 19, 2005

Old Fashioned News

Oddballs More Creative - Recent study showed people who exibit schitzophrenic-like conditions (schizotypal) are usually more creative than normal people, or those that are fully nuts. I must agree, and disagree. People that are a bit out there (Van Gogh, Einstein, Gallagher) are by far more creative thinkers than "normal" folks. I don't know if they are necessarily more creative thinkers than the fully insane (Charles Manson, that smelly guy on the El that talks to himself, dubs.) Better thinkers yes, but not more creative. I mean, if any of you remember that joke, about the guy looking for a quarter for hours in his house, but losing it outside. That's creative, but bad. Like blowing up Iraq because of a guy in Afghanistan crazy. To them it makes sense, but it is really ineffective.

Life On Mars - Scientists found more evidence that Mars may have life. They found trace amounts of methane (garbage/fart gas) on the planet. We know that there can't be life on mars though, because it would say so in the bible. Just like it says the earth is flat, and the sun and all the planets revolve around it. I mean, how can we know, we haven't been there? I'll believe there is life on mars when I stand on its surface and smell a martian fart.
(I'm going to Hell for all this sarcasm, and I really, really need to stop it. On second thought, no I don't. God's laughing with me. The almighty has to have a sense of humor, what else explains peoples faces during sex?)

Oh, Canada, please take our unwanted Lake... - What do you do when you have a lake that is too big? Start pumping the water north of the border, to Canada. Make sure to include all the toxic sludge, mutant hybrid North Korean fish, and scientifically engineered fungus from the lake there too. It will help balance the eco-system.

September 18, 2005

True... True...

Punishment, Corporal Style

Today, I saw a child in need of a beating, but a spanking would have sufficed.

The kid was screaming at the top of his lungs "I want the toy, I want it, its my favorite toy ever, I want it, I'm not talking to you, I want it...." I'm sure you all have the idea.

The kid bit his mom, yelled at her, hit her. The tender age of about 3-4. So innocent.

Well, mom let the kid know he was gonna get it. Mom let the kid know his dad was gonna give it to him too. I am guessing the kid is gonna get that spanking, once from mom in the parking lot, and once from dad at home.

As soon as they left, two older women (old enough to be my mom) started talking. "If that was my kid, he would have gotton smacked right then and there." "She looked at me, as if to say 'you won't turn me in for child abuse if I hit him?'"

I had to add in, "If that was me, I know very well I would have gotton spanked right then and there, and I wouldn't have done anything like that again. Its amazing how times have changed."

Both agreed with me.

Its sad, that as a society, we can't parent our kids anymore. If you give em a quick slap to their backside, its wrong. Your supposed to take things away. Call time outs. BULLSHIT! That doesn't seem to work too well. Nothing struck fear into me more as a kid than to think I was gonna get a spanking. I wasn't abused. I didn't get bruised, or hit too often. When I did though, looking back on it now, I deserved it. I grew up to know consequences for my actions. Made me a better person.

Maybe, that's why there are so many problems nowadays. Lack of good discipline when they were younger.

Damn liberals fucked that one up... yeah, I blame my breed for this one. The conservatives, especially the southern ones, I know had a bit more corporal punishment.

September 17, 2005

Free Time? What's That?

My blogging has been, absent lately. Its due to a major change in my life.

I spent 14 months out of work, due to medical bullshit, with the last few months being just difficulty finding a job in the so called improving economy. During that time, I was going to school part time.

Now, I am working about 35 hours a week, and taking 15 credit hours in school. That would supposedly be the equivalent of working 80 hours a week.

So, free time comes in very small doses. Less free time, less twisted news to read and provide my special commentary on.

Plus, the news has been horrible lately. Nothing but tragedy. I want news articles about things like Hogzilla, Iranian divorce because of a husband who hasn't bathed in 10 years... shit like that.

Hopefully I'll find something like that soon. Instead of tragedy's like Brittany and Kevin procreating.

September 16, 2005

Friday Music

Today, it isn't random, its what I have been listening to over, and over, and over lately.
  1. When I'm Down by Chris Cornell (Not characteristic of his stuff with Soundgarden or Audioslave. This song is like this old rock love song. Lots of piano, and this sloppy guitar solo. Its brilliant.)
  2. Stoned and Drunk by Black Label Society (Zack Wylde rocks.)
  3. Hurt a Long Time by Jerry Cantrell (Yes, more former Seattle grunge mastery as a solo artist. Instead this time it is the guitarist/backup vocalist for Alice In Chains. Slow, sad song. Jerry is a god.)
  4. Janine (live) by Soul Coughing (Live recording I downloaded [legally I might add, but legally for free]. Great version of the song. M. Doughty gets the whole crowd singing at the end.)
  5. Say It Ain't So by Weezer (Recent re-discovery of mine. These dorks can rock.)
  6. Mr. Jones by the Counting Crows (I wasn't crazy about this song when I was in high school, but its been a repeat offender for me lately. Great lyrics, can relate to them.)
  7. No Rain by Blind Melon (I have no clue why, but I needed to hear this recently. Now I listen to it daily. It scares me.)
  8. Missing You by Todd Snider (Yeah, me and my sad songs. This man is such a great lyricist. He should be famous damnit. Isn't, but should be.)
  9. New Orleans Is A Dying Whore by Down (Ummm... yeah, I feel bad for listening to this song, but I was in a mood to hear Down, and heard this song, and its been stuck in my head... I'm going to hell for this one.)
  10. Coward of the County by Kenny Rogers (Heehee. This song rules.)

September 14, 2005

The 1954 Version of the Pledge Unconstitutional

The Pledge of Allegiance, which was edited in 1954 to include the phrase "under god" has been named unconstitional by the US 9th circuit court of appeals.

Although in all honesty, I don't care if its in the pledge or not, I love to fight for it to be removed. My reasoning?
  1. It pisses off conservatives.
  2. It shows how ignorant some people are when they seem to believe its always been like that, forgetting that things did happen before they were born.
  3. It pisses off Republicans.
  4. It makes Tom Delay cry.
  5. When Rush Limbaugh gets excited and talks about something like this, his jowels jiggle.
  6. In all honesty, it makes more sense by the ultimate document of the land, the constitution, to not have it in there. Last I checked, our money isn't what defines our country, it's the constitution... unless you worship money, like any good christian does.
  7. Did I mention it pisses off conservatives?
  8. It pisses off the self proclaimed "moral majority."
  9. It puts a greater distance between my religion and our winners in Washington.
  10. It increases the chances of dubs making some fresh new idiotic remark, alienating even more of the population than he already has (39% approval anyone?)

September 12, 2005

Anti-Rape Condom

This has to be one of the greatest, and scariest things ever invented.

A doctor has created a female condom, that is designed to be an anti-rape device. The thing not only protects against pregnancy and std's... but it also attaches itself onto an attackers willie, and can only be surgically removed. Its also theoretically supposed to be intensely painful.

I must say, I love the idea of this thing. For a woman to be able to give herself an line of defense like this against rape is great. There are a few dumbfucks who think it is cruel and inhumane, but what the hell is more cruel and inhumane than rape? That's the most common form of human torture, and physical and mental anguish crimes known to man. The attacker deserves the pain of this thing. Hell, I'd make it part of their prison sentence to wear it.

I do have some problems with this one though.

The article it came from already stated one of them: if an attacker gets caught with this one, will they then turn more violent on the woman? Possibly. The woman would probably take that into account as to what is scarier to her, rape and possibly getting aids, or the attack from someone enraged from an attempted rape.

Another situation is what if your a guy who is out, and hooks up with some girl. You've both been drinking, and end up going home with each other. She's wearing the anti-rape condom. She forgets she is wearing it, and you both go to have consentual sex. That would suck.

Another problem. Criminals are always informed on trends. They hear about guys getting their peckers mutilated by this thing. So, if the condom can go on, it can come out. So, they simply test with their fingers first, and if they find one... pull it out.

What really sucks though, is we live in a world where something like this is actually a necessary invention.

Flim Flam Gets Out Your Stains

I know I have been... highly irregular with cartoon updates. I'm gonna try, really I am. I blame it on me having next to no free time. (working 30+ hours a week, and 15 credit hours).

So, when I find em, I'm posting em.

College University had a minor update. A commercial for "Flim Flam."

It was hilarious. You must watch.

(watch Flim Flam-Amazing Products)

September 11, 2005

Fucking Austria

No, I'm not spouting obsenities. That's the name of a town in Austria--Fucking.

Apparently its a hot tourist spot, but only for the English. Most American's are lame and want to see where "The Sound of Music" was filmed. The Japanese want to see where Hitler was born. The Germans want to see where Mozart was born.

In other words, we American's are the lamest, followed by the Germans, then the Japanese, but by far the coolest people are English. I'd be a brit on a trip to Austria. I'd go to Fucking, steal some signs...

Of course that is what the Fucking townfolk complain about. Those Brits Stealing their Fucking signs. That is where American's need to be brought in. Simply put, we know how to exploit and sell anything. We'd set up shop, and have a supply of Fucking signs, Fucking shirts, Fucking coffee mugs, and even a sign that says, "No Stealing Fucking signs in Fucking," "Welcome to Fucking,"... oh, and yes, we would sell Fucking postcards.

Nine Eleven


Know what happened on that day?

I was born. Yup. 9-11-76.

I just turned 29. One more year till thirty.

Luckily I look kinda young.

If any of you really, really wanna know...

You have to put together this puzzle.

I'm evil. But a good evil.

September 10, 2005

President dubs Is Back On Vacation

September 09, 2005

6 Year Old Leads 5 Toddlers and a Baby to Safety

Yes, that headline is correct. In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, a six year old was spotted leading a group of toddlers, and a baby. Rescue workers found them.

The story just amazed me.

Read it.

5 Questions For Ya's

Hense my previous post, where I offered my interview services to those who so were interested, here are the questions for each of you.



1. We all have a movie that is considered really bad by most, or are embarassed about, but secretly love. What's yours?

2. If you were a fictional character, who would you be and why?

3. What song best sums you up?

4. What would your dream job be, and how much would it pay?

5. Do you think some people are born evil, or do they choose to be that way?



1. If you were any race, besides human, from Star Trek, which would you be and why?

2. If a war broke out, and you had to hide in a bomb shelter, with all the food, medicine, even electricity you could need, but could only bring one item with you (that isn't a person) what would it be and why?

3. If you had a superpower, what would it be, and would you use it for good or evil?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, and speak the language, where would it be?

5. If you were a type of alcohol, what would you be, and why?

***** **** *** ** * ** *** **** *****

And that does it, you both have your questions, now you must post blogs on your respective blogs, answering, and follow the rest of the rules from the previous post.

September 08, 2005

The Interview

As the tag to tag interview goes, here is the history I know. SwissToni interviewd Jenni, and now Jenni is interviewing me. This is by my choice of course. Its a simple set of rules, which will be shared after my interview.

**** **** **** **** ****

1. If you could spend one whole night alone with anyone alive, who would it be?

Now, me being a 99% perverted male, can only take this one way, and that would involve cueing porn music at end of the evening... no wait. In the middle, 3/4 mark, and the end. Yeah, first half good conversation... to satisfy my intellectual needs. (you know, that 1%).

Now the woman, without a doubt in my mind, would be Angelina Jolie. In her, there is everything an individual like myself is looking for: compassionate, intelligent, sexy as hell, and a wee bit off the wall.

2. If you could magically stop aging at any point in your life, at what age would you want to stop?

I'm already past that point. I'd love to be 23 again. At 23, I was at the peak of partying, not worried about the future, but able to really enjoy myself and live. I had money to do what I wanted, a huge group of friends that went out all the time. None of us were married. It was just a lot of good times. It was a much more care free time for me back then. Now, I'm growing up (not grown yet, saving that for a day in my 50's). Life is meant to be enjoyed, too bad you have to work to get to enjoy it.

3. If you could star in any genre of movie with any current actor/actress, what and who would you choose?

The movie would have to be Sci Fi. I'd choose fantasy, but the thought of my pasty pale self in a loincloth is a sight I wouldn't want to put anyone through. As far as my supporting cast, I'd like to star opposite of Christopher Walken. I'd be the heroic guy, and Walken would be the ultimate villain. Be even better if it was something like... Star Wars: Episode 7. I'd the the heroic Jedi, mentored by none other than Luke Skywalker, while Christopher Walken is a fallen Jedi, turned to the dark side by the spirit of Palpatine.

4. If you could force Dubya to switch roles with another member of his administration, who would you choose to act as President while Dubs did their role?

*Sigh* This is when I wish Colin Powell was still in the administration. So, on that note, I'd choose YOU Condoleeza. I'd love to see dubs play Secretary of State, and have to just deal with foreign nations. Besides, even though I do have my twisted fascination with "Big" Dick Cheney, I really would NOT want him as President. Condoleeza on the other hand, seems to me to be the least of the evils in his administration. I really don't have qualms with her, and I was impressed with her during the 9-11 investigation. No way I'd choose old man Rummy, and I'm not a fan of Gonzo. The rest I don't know enough about. That is why Ms. Rice has my vote.

5. If you didn't have to worry about credits or grades, what class would you want to take just to learn the topic?

That one just has so many different options. At first I was going to think about going into some of my already fed interests, but from my experiance, I already know more than what a college course would give me on those. So, I would go to a topic I somehow managed to shun since I was in 3rd grade... Literature. I've never been an avid reader of fiction. I keep trying to pick it up, but always come up with an excuse somewhere. There are so many works that are classics, that some people think everyone has read, and I couldn't even give a slight basis on what the book was about. So some sort of literature class. Lots of reading, analysis, thought provoking discussion... Being an IS major, I play with computers, and my English/Humanities requirements are/were speech (an A) and two semesters of composition (two A's).

***** ***** ***** *****

Now, that was interesting, and fun.

Here's the scoop behind the interview process.

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.

3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

September 07, 2005

If You Build It, They Will Come

Everyones favorite insane pop king is back in the news. He has a new plan and goal. The artist who doesn't want to be known as Wacko Jacko is building a runway on his Neverland young boy bondage ranch. This runway will be for the landing of alien spacecraft.

When the aliens come, Michael "I'm totally normal" Jackson is gonna film it.

I think this is all just a ploy to get little boys to sleep with him.

September 06, 2005

More Aid Countries

We have now been offered 20 million barrells of crude oil from Iran.

Kuwait has pledged $500m in aid.

The UK has offered 500,000 ration packs.

Cuba offered the services of 1,100 doctors.

The nation of John Travolta took his own jet, and flew to Baton Rouge with 5 tons of food, and 400 tetanus vaccines for relief workers.

September 05, 2005

It's Not All Bush's Fault

Yes, you read that correctly.

Shocking that came out of my very fingers, now isn't it? Anyone who reads this blog regularly, knows that I fall on the liberal, Democrat, progressive, or whatever else you can call it side of the fence. In this particular case, it isn't Bush's fault.

Many are pointing their fingers at the federal governments slowness to get involved in the hurricane Katrina disaster. Typically the federal government steps in later, while the local and state authorities are first in and able to react.

A lot of blame needs to be placed on the mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin, and the Governor of Louisiana Kathleen Bianco. The evacuation during a hurricane falls under the jurisdiction of local and state offcials. That is why they are there and in place.

The national guard, in turn, is under the control of the Governors of the states. That way they can be effectively deployed during times of crisis. What is better, the president sending the national guard to take care of local problems, or 50 governors doing so?

The threat of a hurricane hitting New Orleans was well known. Local officials didn't plan out ahead of time for a worst case scenario, like the one that happened. There wasn't an evacuation plan in place. There wasn't a plan to get the poor and those without transportation out, so they were left there.

In a previous post I stated that the disaster may not have been as bad if dubs wouldn't have pulled funding to improving the pumping and levee stations in New Orleans. The poor planning and management of the pre disaster and immediate reaction isn't his fault, that blame falls on the locals.

So, in conclusion: dubs still sucks, but hurricane disaster planning isn't his fault. The mayor of New Orleans sucks, and so does the Governor of Louisiana.


Well, the religious right fundamentalists are well publicized as believing that Katrina was the wrath of God, coming down on an immoral city like in the biblical story about the towns of Soddom and Gamorrah.

Know who feels the same way? Al Qaeda. Yes, the famed terrorist group holds the same beliefs as the religious right.

They all see people suffering, and instead of having a sympathetic mind, and doing what they can to help, they say it was the wrath of God, along the same lines as our biggest enemies.

If the fundies wonder why we think they are crazy, having the same views as terrorists is a good way to go about making someone realize they are completely nuts.

September 04, 2005

Foreign Aid: Good News

It appears we do have a lot of friends in the world, who are more than happy to return the favor. I'd like to thank all the foreign countries who are offering aid during our crisis.

Sri Lanka and Indonesia: both helped during the tsunami by the US, have offered assistance.

Cuba (home of my homie Fidel) and Venequela made offers. Venezuela's being an offer to send cheap fuel.

Singapore sent chinook helicoptors to help ferry in supplies.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharone offered to send in medical teams, and that they could be there in 24 hours.

Sri Lanka donated $25,000 to the American Red Cross.

Japan pledged $200,000.

Australia pledged $8 million.

Honduras, Jamaica, and Guatamala offered aid.

The Paris (as in FRANCE) based International Energy Agency, which represents 26 countries, offered to release the equivalent of 2 million barrels of oil per day from their emergency reserves.

Once again, I have to say thanks to the world community for helping my country during its time of need. I'm sure all the countries involved aren't listed, but the appreciation isn't lessoned by any means. Once again, thank you.

September 03, 2005

Friend of a Friend

I have a friend of a friend who lived in New Orleans. Her and her boyfriend had left before Katrina, and went to stay with her mom in Houston. I've been reading her LiveJournal on a daily lately. She's been filling it with article after article on things happening over there.

She posted one, that amazed me, but somehow didn't. Here is a brief summary of the points.
  • After a flood killed 6 people in 1995, the army corps of engineers, through the Southeast Louisiana flood control project, began renovating levees and pump control stations in NOLA. The funding dried up in 2003 due to the war in Iraq.
  • In 2004 the Bush Administration cut back the funding for New Orleans district of the Army Corp of Engineers for holding back Lake Pontchartrain by over 80%.
  • In 1990, a federal task force began restoring wetlands near NOLA. (Every two miles of wetlands decreases storm surge by a foot.) In 2003, the Bush administration reversed this trend, and allowed developers to develop on wetlands. In response, four leading environmental groups did studies on what could happen with the loss of those wetlands. The Bush administration felt that study was "highly questionable" and continued allowing wetland development.
Experts had seen the potential for destruction coming for years, but it was ignored. The funding to try and protect a city of 500,000 was cut because of the War in Iraq. See how much safer we are now, thanks to that war.

September 02, 2005

Oh... I Did Have Something Original On New Orleans

I've read a few things where, once again, people are complaining about international aid to New Orleans. I read some feel we should not help others when they are in crisis. I myself have a much different take on things.

The roads are gone. It's taken days to amass our own people to really get out there. How long would it take to get a group of 100 soldiers to New Orleans from Japan? They'd still be in transit.

Financially, asking for aid money from other countries would be contemptable. If Bill Gates house burnt down, would he ask a welfare family for cash? No, he wouldn't. That would be the same thing as the US asking for money.

We are the richest, most powerful nation in the world. Although the thought of help in this crisis time is an idealistic thought, it really isn't something that would make a differance. We are supposed to be leaders in the world. We are supposed to be good, charitable people. Regardless of what others do, we should continue in that fashion. If anyone else is in crisis, we should help. Not for our own gain, but just because it is the right thing to do.

Different Friday Music

While surfing, ACG at Practically Harmless posted a meme that caught my attention. It was to take and post the top 100 songs from your Senior year in high school, bold the songs you like, and strike out the songs you hate. (since some of hers were neither, I'm assuming that those are the "it's ok" songs.) So... I'm doing it.

If any of you want to go through and do this one... feel free.

1. The Sign, Ace Of Base
2. I Swear, All-4-One
3. I'll Make Love To You, Boyz II Men
4. The Power Of Love, Celine Dion
5. Hero, Mariah Carey
6. Stay (I Missed You), Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories
7. Breathe Again, Toni Braxton
8. All For Love, Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting
9. All That She Wants, Ace Of Base
10. Don't Turn Around, Ace Of Base
11. Bump N' Grind, R. Kelly
12. Again, Janet Jackson
13. I'll Remember, Madonna
14. Whatta Man, Salt-N-Pepa
15. Wild Night, John Mellencamp and Me'shell Ndegeocello
16. Without You / Never Forget You, Mariah Carey
17. You Mean The World To Me, Toni Braxton
18. Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Elton John
19. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, Prince Symbol
20. Fantastic Voyage, Coolio
21. Baby I Love Your Way, Big Mountain
22. Regulate, Warren G and Nate Dogg
23. If You Go, Jon Secada
24. Back and Forth, Aaliyah
25. Now And Forever, Richard Marx
26. When Can I See You, Babyface
27. Please Forgive Me, Bryan Adams
28. So Much In Love, All-4-One
29. Shoop, Salt-N-Pepa
30. Any Time, Any Place / And On And On, Janet Jackson
31. Shine, Collective Soul
32. Said I Loved You...But I Lied, Michael Bolton
33. Return To Innocence, Enigma
34. All I Wanna Do, Sheryl Crow
35. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, Crash Test Dummies
36. Can We Talk, Tevin Campbell
37. Funkdafied, Da Brat
38. I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That), Meat Loaf
39. Gangsta Lean, Drs
40. Because The Night, 10,000 Maniacs
41. Cantaloop, US3
42. Whoomp! (There It Is), Tag Team
43. Come To My Window, Melissa Etheridge
44. Stroke You Up, Changing Faces
45. I'm Ready, Tevin Campbell
46. 100% Pure Love, Crystal Waters
47. Anytime You Need A Friend, Mariah Carey
48. Because Of Love, Janet Jackson
49. Linger, Cranberries (this is one of my most hated songs of all time)
50. Loser, Beck
51. Found Out About You, Gin Blossoms
52. Gin And Juice, Snoop Doggy Dogg
53. Never Lie, Immature
54. Streets Of Philadelphia, Bruce Springsteen
55. Getto Jam, Domino
56. Endless Love, Luther Vandross and Mariah Carey
57. I Miss You w/ Aaron Hall 58, Understanding, Xscape
59. This D.J., Warren G
60. Cry For You, Jodeci
61. Keep Ya Head Up, 2Pac
62. Who Am I (What's My Name?), Snoop Doggy Dogg
63. Another Night, Real McCoy
64. Your Body's Callin', R. Kelly
65. Tootsee Roll, 69 Boyz
66. I Can See Clearly Now, Jimmy Cliff
67. Never Keeping Secrets, Babyface
68. Crazy, Aerosmith
70. At Your Best (You Are Love), Aaliyah
71. Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through, Meat Loaf
72 Amazing, Aerosmith
73. Always, Erasure
74. Groove Thang, Zhane
75. Dreams, Gabrielle
76. Mr. Vain, Culture Beat
77. Mary Jane's Last Dance, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
78. Anything, SWV
79. Beautiful In My Eyes, Joshua Kadison
80. Stay, Eternal
81. Flava In Ya Ear, Craig Mack
82. U.N.I.T.Y., Queen Latifah
83. Prayer For The Dying, Seal
84. Secret, Madonna
85. Here Comes The Hotstepper, Ini Kamoze
86. Everyday, Phil Collins
87. Don't Take The Girl, Tim McGraw
88. Got Me Waiting, Heavy D and The Boyz
89. December 1963 (Oh, What A Night), Four Seasons
90. Indian Outlaw, Tim McGraw
91. Always, Bon Jovi
92. I'm The Only One, Melissa Etheridge
93. Back In The Day, Ahmad
94. Love Sneakin' Up On You, Bonnie Raitt
95. I'll Take You There, General Public
96. Always In My Heart, Tevin Campbell
97. What Is Love, Haddaway
98. And Our Feelings, Babyface
99. Bop Gun (One Nation), Ice Cube
100. I Wanna Be Down, Brandy

I think this makes it official... I graduated to the tune of bad R&B and the Night at the Roxbury soundtrack. I thought I was part of the grunge generation?

Someone Else Put It More Elequantly

A few days ago, I made some commentary about New Orleans that I wish I didn't post. It was before the storm hit, and after seeing the trajedy I wish I could retract my statement.

I see many in the blogging world talking about the situation. Some are in disbelief over the situation. Some are using it as political fodder. Some are choosing to insult the people who couldn't leave, due to not having money or transportation to leave the city.

The only path I can see is do whatever it is you can to help those people in need. Help your fellow man during their time of crisis. If its by donation, speaking up to get other's to help, or by prayer. Many people need help, do what you can to aid them.

Amazingly, a blog I read for comedy is had the best post out of any I've come across. It was the Hulks blog. He has many links to charities to help in the relief effort. Here's a link to his if you want to check it out.